Are you curious about the latest ways to improve your natural beauty through cosmetic dermatology? From injectables to laser therapy, there are numerous options to help you achieve your desired...
Cosmetic Treatments
Medical Dermatology
Common Medical Skin Conditions
Pre & Post-Treatment Instructions
What's New
Acne Center of Excellence
We are thrilled to announce the grand opening of our Acne Center of Excellence, a pioneering initiative dedicated to advancing the treatment and management of acne for individuals of all ages. At...
Understanding Rosacea: Causes, Triggers, and Treatment Approaches
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that affects millions worldwide. This condition is characterized by redness, swelling, and acne-like bumps, primarily on the face. If you're living in New York...
For Hair Loss
A safe and non-invasive treatment for hair loss. Exosomes deliver high concentrations of growth factors. When applied to the scalp, they regenerate hair follicles and stimulate growth resulting in thicker hair. No pre-treatment restrictions are required. We recommend no hair color for one week after.
Shampooing and styling or blow dry is permitted after 24 hours. It is a yearly treatment with most patients seeing results at three months but in rare instances the second treatment may be done at six months.