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What's New

Acne Center of Excellence

We are thrilled to announce the grand opening of our Acne Center of Excellence, a pioneering initiative dedicated to advancing the treatment and management of acne for individuals of all ages. At...

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  1. No sun exposure 1 week prior
  2. Patients must not be tan
  3. Book in advance up to 3 days before any major event
  4. An antiviral may be given if there is a history of cold sores ( i.e Acyclovir, Valtrex)


For the next three days (starting today)

  1. Stop all topical medications (i.e. Retin-A, Renova, acne medicines).
  2. Use a simple (i.e. Cetaphil) or your regular cleanser to wash your face twice a day.
  3. Apply morning and night, a small amount of cortisone sample to red areas only.
  4. Moisture cream should also be applied twice a day to the entire treatment area.
  5. Avoid sun exposure for one week.
  6. Makeup can be applied immediately after the procedure

After the third day, resume your normal regimen.

It is common after treatment to experience redness, dryness, increased sensitivity and tingling. Peeling may occur in the form of mild to severe flaking depending upon which type of laser you have had. It is also common for brown spots to become temporarily darker and flake off.

If you have any questions, please call the office (212) 249-8118.